
My web site is http://www.markpoole.net/

Monday, February 15, 2010

New Beginings

2010 will be a year of changes for me. First of all, I am committed to this blog
and my musings of art and music. Second, as an artist I am trying to leap further along the path by looking backwards at my earlier style or approach of painting, before illustration presented me with time constraints and form. I am hoping to again paint what my heart tells me to this year. This desire has been whispering to me consistantly over the past years and it's time to listen.



  1. Hi! After 14 years of collecting some Magic Cards... I have proud to still have my collection of your WORK!
    I lost my opportunity to meet You in Barcelona (I'm from Portugal), but, since my collection is incomplete, I "can wait"...
    I love all your Magic Cards Art. Sorry, but, I never saw any of your other works. Maybe now I can know more of your work. Regards Daniel (aka Artea)

  2. Thanks Daniel, who knows I may get to Potugal in one of the up coming grand prix's.

  3. Mark, I still love the Ali from Cairo origianl hanging on my wall. Ah, the old days....
