
My web site is http://www.markpoole.net/

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Republic of Rome Characters

Here are some of the small paintings I did for a board game called Republic of Rome, published by Valley Games.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

working away

Well I have been a tad quiet, not do to laziness but to an assigment. When I get the go ahead and the company uses the images, I will post them here.

On another note, the art book being produce by Barnes and Nobles and Sterling Publishing, looks to finally be on track and we are keeping our fingers crossed for an October release. The book is titled " The Book of Knights" and has all kinds of knight history and fiction included. It's mainly a reason to paint knights. Allen Williams is the writer and lead on the book with myself, Donato and Ruth Thompson contributing art. It will be a hardbound coffee table kind of book.